Finding a Dog

Finding the Right Dog

While all dogs are precious creatures, not all of them make a good service dog. We have years of experience and the tips below can help you find the right dog for you.

What you DO WANT in a Service Dog

Outgoing - loves people and enjoys new experiences

Has the ability to calm - They can be active and busy but is happy to settle at your feet when you sit down

Wants to be with you - The dog enjoys your company and follows you around.

Adult size is best between 25 and 80 pounds - Dogs smaller that 25 pounds are harder to train and tend to get stepped on. Dogs larger than 80 pound are so big they can limit your access to places. 

Eager to please - Dog wants to make you happy

What you DO NOT WANT

Timid, shy, jumpy -  Service dogs go into many new situations as part of their work. A dog who is fearful of sounds, sights and new experiences will not make it as a service dog.

Submissive or excitement urinates - Puppies or dogs who submissive urinate or excitement urinate will not be accepted into the program. Not all dogs outgrow this behavior. And you cannot take a dog into public places who urinates when excited or worried. 

Does not like kids - Even if you don't have children, they will still approach and touch your dog without your consent. Your dog must be good with kids when this occurs.

Is obsessed with chasing cats or kills cats - Dogs with high prey drive do not do well in service dog work.

Aggressive or Dog Reactive - All service dogs must be free of aggression. To people, new objects, other animals or in new situations.

Not healthy - Service work is stressful and not all dogs are cut out for it. This is not the time to choose a dog who has a disability itself or is old or not healthy

Successor Dogs

Students who have received training through the 4 Paws 2 Freedom service dog programs will receive priority standing in beginning classes again with a successor dog. All application materials must be completed before beginning a new class. Successor dog must be evaluated prior to admission into the course. 

All dogs placed through the 4 Paws 2 Freedom program are to notify 4 Paws 2 Freedom if for any reason they can no longer keep their dog. 4 Paws 2 Freedom keeps yearly ongoing records on the status of all dogs going through the service dog course. If a service dog student needs help in placing their service dog, 4P2F will assist in the placement of all non-aggressive dogs.

a black and white dog is laying on its back on a wooden floor .
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