Find a Class

Find a Class

Dogs love to learn and their mission is to please YOU! Below are the current class options. We will add new classes as needed. We look forward to seeing you and your dog!

A woman is kneeling in the grass with a husky puppy

If you're looking for one-on-one training, this is a great option for you.

We offer individual training session packages of 3 or 5 sessions, or just one single session.

Sessions are 45-60 minutes.

Click below to learn more.

a service dog wearing a vest that says

This is a yearlong course that meets every week for about 90 minutes. This class is for people who are disabled due to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Military Sexual Trauma (MST), or other Traumatic Injuries.

The class is free for veterans and first responders. Every week we teach the owner and dog new skills that are to be practiced throughout the week. The classes offer a safe place for people to learn about canine care, maintenance, and enrichment, as well as how to succeed as a service dog team and more.

Each team must pass a series of benchmarks every 2 months to move to the next level. They must then teach their dog at least 3 learned and visible tasks that the dog will do to directly mitigate the person's disability.

Skills might include the dog creating a bubble of space between the handler and other people, alerting to an oncoming panic, grounding the person if they have a panic or anxiety attack, helping the person find the exit in a crowded building, nightmare interruption and many other tasks.

These dogs work for an individual. Dogs become certified Service Dogs through 4 Paws 2 Freedom when they graduate from the program.

a police officer holding a puppy with the caption facility / peer support dogs

Our Newest Program!

This is a 6-7 month training program that teaches dogs to work in high stress environments to help the people who work there manage the work stress. Currently we are working in Fire Departments, Law Enforcement Agencies, City Halls, and Courthouses. Chaplaincy dogs go with Chaplains on calls to help comfort those in need.

These dogs work with an employee of the agency and have a Primary Handler that they go home with when they are off shift. The dogs typically work the same hours as the employee. The dogs are friendly, loveable and tend to be snuggly. They have extreme obedience skills to be appropriate with the many different people they will meet.

Facility/Peer Support Dogs work for an Agency or organization and must be endorsed by that program. Individuals may not train their dog to be a Facility/Peer Support Dog without the approval of the place they work.

What to Expect

Positive, Motivational Training!

a white puppy is sitting on the ground with a leash around its neck .

We use positive motivational techniques in all our teaching, for both people and canines. We reward success and concentrate on what talent each person and dog come in with and build on those strengths. 



a close up of a brown and white dog on a leash looking at the camera .

We believe that it takes learned skills on the part of both the dog and human to make long term progress in training. We teach our students the skills to help them continue to successfully train their dog. 


Class Size

a dog wearing a vest that says ' rescue ' on it

Our classes are designed for you and your dog to move at your own pace.

Class size ranges from 3-10 students. 

It's FUN!

two dogs are sitting next to each other on the street

Training is Fun!!

We engage the dogs and humans in play as we teach new skills! It is hard to not be cheered up while engaging in fun activities with your dog!

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